Raising money to TARGET OVARIAN CANCER, also known as the silent killer!

Jennifer Smith 15th July 2017 This event has closed


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Jennie and Claire  (sisters) are doing the colour obstacle rush which is 5km long, and is based around a course with 20 obstacles and 8 colouring stations. The reason we are doing this is to fundraise for Target Ovarian Cancer research, due to our mum passing away in May 2017 due to this cancer.

Every year 7000 women are diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. It is the biggest killer of gynaecological cancers with 4100 deaths a year. 

Our mum (aged 52) consulted with her GP in November 2016 about gynaecological pain, and she said she thought it was her ovaries, as they had left them in when she had a hysterectomy over 10 years ago. The GP sent mum for various tests and scans, but before she recieved her results in February 2017, she attended A&E in pain and they told her she had advanced stage 3 Ovarian Cancer. Women are often diagnosed with advanced stage Ovarian Cancer at either stage 3 or 4; this is due to the early stages of this cancer being difficult to detect. 

Now, although our mum was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer, they stated it had not spread to her lymph nodes or bowel and they commenced treatment. Our mum was to have 3 cycles of chemotherapy (1 cycle every 3 weeks) first to shrink the size of the cancer, and then they was going to review her for surgery after these 3 cycles. 

Our mum had her first cycle and it made her really ill, a couple of days before her next cycle they told her she was very sensitive to the chemotherapy and gave her the strongest side effect medications. After her second round of chemotherapy, 6 days later she went to A&E again, because she was in so much pain. They did tests and found that the chemo was not working and that the cancer had now attached to her bowel in several places.From this, they gave her a terminal diagnosis of approximately 2-3 weeks to live.

Our mum stated that she wanted end of life care at home, which the hospital fast tracked. Our mum was so brave and strong, she never once complained or asked why her? She stayed with us for 4 more weeks, and then sadly passed away at home.

From mums diagnosis to her last days it was only 12 weeks. If our mum had been diagnosed at an earlier stage she would have had a better chance of survival. An earlier diagnosis the chance of survival for patients living longer than 5 years is 94%; however, with a stage 3 diagnosis 20% and a stage 4, 5%.

At present there is no consistent reliable screening tools and researchers are trying to find new ways of diagnosing early. This is why I endeavour to fundraise for this cause, earlier diagnosis means better chances for life.

It's very important for all women to listen to their bodies and be aware of the symptoms; these are persistent abdominal or pelvic pain, persistent bloating, feeling full quickly and needing to urinate more often. If these symptoms last for more than 3 weeks then seek medical advice. Increased awareness of the signs and funding into detecting this cancer earlier could help save the lives of thousands.

£5 could help Target Ovarian Cancer give  a comprehensive guide on Ovarian Cancer to three newly diagnosed women.

£20 Could pay for 1 hour of medical research into new treatments.

£50 Could pay for 100 GPs to update their knowledge on Ovarian Cancer and best practice for early diagnosis. 

£50 Could also pay for 200 women to learn about the symptoms of Ovarian Cancer by receiving symptom leaflets to help with earlier diagnosis.


Jennie Smith Claire Dentith

20th July 2017
We did it!! Thanks to everyone who sponsored us to Target Ovarian Cancer, your support is much appreciated. If anyone would still like to donate towards this cause, there is still time. Thanks again everyone xxx